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Essential Skills for Venue Management

Essential Skills for Venue Management

Would you believe that the events and venues industry is expected to reach $1,552.9billion by 2028? With that in mind, venue management is a job that won’t be disappearing any time soon. The landscape has changed quite alot, and faced a number of challenges over...
How to develop an employee offboarding process

How to develop an employee offboarding process

Does your company place value on the employee offboarding process? When was the last time you looked at your offboarding process? Oftentimes, employers overlook this and deem it not important. Unfortunately, a whopping 71% of organizations have no formal offboarding...
How to Make Scheduling Easier

How to Make Scheduling Easier

Schedulers, we feel your pain! Creating employee schedules is complex, time-consuming, and sometimes completely overwhelming. There is a lot to consider when making the perfect schedule—for example, employee qualifications, time off requests, communication, and...
The Importance of Time Collection for your Organization

The Importance of Time Collection for your Organization

“Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe”   – Abraham Lincoln This quote by Abraham Lincoln applies to your business organization, too! Every business organization spends time expanding their company, increasing...
The Impact of Chaotic Shift Work Schedules

The Impact of Chaotic Shift Work Schedules

Chaotic and shift work schedules are two phrases you don’t want to see together. The schedule creation process should be as easy as possible! If you’re still using excel spreadsheets or paper time sheets as work schedules then you need to keep reading. What is a shift...