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Beat the H.E.A.T – An Infographic for people working in construction

Please stay safe and productive while working in construction during hot weather with our essential tips! From hydration and snack breaks to the innovative buddy system with a tech twist, our infographic provides practical solutions for keeping calm and efficient. Read on to learn more!

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6 Essential Tips for Working in Construction During Hot Weather and Long Summer Hours

1. Buddy System with a Tech Twist

Teamwork is crucial in construction, especially under extreme weather conditions. Implement a buddy system where pairs of workers check on each other regularly. This system enhances safety and fosters a sense of security and support. Enhance this system with wearable technology that monitors vital signs and alerts the wearer and their buddy of any irregularities. In a pilot program in Nevada, using wearables reduced heat-related incidents by 40%, proving that some tech can ensure safety.

2. Stay Hydrated with a Twist

Encourage employees to drink water every 15 minutes, not just when they feel thirsty. When you feel thirsty, you’re already 2-3% dehydrated! Set up hydration stations with various beverages, including electrolyte-infused water and popsicles. A construction site in Arizona saw a 25% reduction in heat-related incidents after introducing popsicle breaks every two hours!

3. Snack Breaks with a Purpose

Offer high-water-content snacks like watermelon, cucumbers, and oranges throughout the day. These snacks keep energy levels up and contribute to overall hydration, keeping your team energized and productive. A 2021 workplace study found that construction workers with access to hydrating snacks had a 15% higher productivity rate in extreme heat.

4. Rotate Tasks Like Musical Chairs

Ensure workers switch tasks frequently to avoid prolonged exposure to the sun. This practice prevents heat exhaustion and shows that you care for your team’s well-being. Rotate employees between outdoor and indoor or shaded tasks every hour. In a 2022 study, companies implementing task rotation reported a 30% drop in heat-related illnesses.

5. The 20-20-20 Rule for Eye Health

To prevent eye strain from glaring sunlight, remind workers to follow the 20-20-20 rule: every 20 minutes, look at something 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds. Sunglasses with UV protection are a must! According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, 90% of UV-related eye damage is preventable with proper eyewear.

6. Dress Smart, Not Just Cool

Equip employees with light-colored, loose-fitting, and moisture-wicking clothing. Think long-sleeved shirts and pants made from breathable materials. It sounds counterintuitive, but covering up keeps you cooler by protecting your skin from exposure to direct sun. A Texas construction site worker reported feeling 10% cooler after switching to long-sleeve UV-protective shirts.


Integrating these tips into your daily routine can create a safer and more productive environment for your team. Working in construction doesn’t have to be synonymous with enduring heat-related challenges. However, not following these tips could lead to heat-related illnesses, decreased productivity, and even accidents. With a combination of intelligent practices and some technology, you can ensure that your workforce stays safe, hydrated, and efficient throughout the hot summer months.


Ensuring Overtime Compliance in Healthcare with Celayix

In the fast-paced world of healthcare, managing employee schedules while ensuring compliance with labor laws can be challenging. Overtime violations are a common issue, with factors like misclassification, failure to pay overtime correctly, and inadequate tracking of hours worked contributing to the problem.

The Challenge of Overtime Compliance in Healthcare

According to a report, in 2021, over 236,000 healthcare workers in the U.S. averaged 8 hours per week of paid overtime and 5.8 hours per week of unpaid overtime. The number of workers clocking overtime has increased, highlighting the importance of proper scheduling and overtime management.

Common Challenges in Overtime Compliance

One key challenge is misclassifying employees as exempt, which leads to violations of overtime rules. Failure to pay overtime under the 8 and 80 system, a lack of agreement or understanding for the 8 and 80 system, and failure to total all hours worked for overtime calculations are also common issues.

How Celayix Helps

Celayix’s scheduling software offers a comprehensive solution to these challenges. With AI and Machine Learning features, Celayix can analyze past work schedules to recommend the best-fit employees for new schedules.

The Scheduling Rules Engine ensures compliance with specific business rules, including overtime and union rules. The Find Replacement tool makes handling shift drops, no-shows, and other emergencies easy by providing a list of available and qualified replacements.

Streamlining the Scheduling Process

Shift Templates, Bulk Updates, and Assign, and instant communication with caregivers streamline the scheduling process, reducing the risk of errors. Moreover, Celayix’s Electronic Visit Verification Support helps track employee hours and update patient data, ensuring compliance with regulations.


To learn more about how Celayix’s scheduling software can help your healthcare facility ensure overtime compliance and streamline scheduling, contact one of our solutions advisors or email us at educate@celayix.com.


  1. Report on Healthcare Overtime Statistics (Statistics Canada)
  2. NBC Bay Area
  3. Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI)
  4. Recent healthcare strikes in Santa Clara (U.S. Department of Labor)

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