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Recreation Centers

How to Motivate Your Employees – An Infographic

Do you know how to motivate your employees? This infographic provides 5 easy ways you can motivate them, focusing on employee autonomy.

Hiring a security guard: What to look for

Hiring a security guard: What to look for

Are you looking to hire security guards for your business? Want to know what kind of qualities the ideal candidate ...
Testimonial – Portland’5 Centers for Performing Arts

Testimonial – Portland’5 Centers for Performing Arts

For over 20 years, Celayix has been helping customers get the most from their staff scheduling, time and attendance. Take a look at how Commando Patrol and Detective Services found success with Celayix!
Data Security in The Modern Workplace – eBook

Data Security in The Modern Workplace – eBook

The shift towards flexible working has been great, but there's an issue lingering around. Data security threats have become more prominent in the past 2 years, and a lack of cybersecurity policy plays a huge role in that. However, there's a solution. Find out how any organization can protect themselves from data security threats through this ebook.

Does Employee Monitoring Software Work?

Employee monitoring and surveillance are hot topics but how effective are they really? Learn how employee monitoring changes employee behavior.
How to handle job abandonment as a manager

How to handle job abandonment as a manager

How did you handle job abandonment? The best way to deal with it is to be proactive and communicate.
Key HR Metrics to measure success

Key HR Metrics to measure success

The fact that many firms are beginning to employ HR Key performance metrics as a critical component of their entire business strategy is perhaps the most evident proof that workforce planning is gaining traction in business. So how can HR metrics help businesses? Find out more!
Why Your Recruitment Strategy Isn’t Working

Why Your Recruitment Strategy Isn’t Working

If you're you struggling to attract and retain top talent at your organization, your recruitment strategy might have some weak spots. Take a look at some common reasons companies struggle with recruitment today.
General Advice for First-Time Managers

General Advice for First-Time Managers

It's not easy to find your feet as a first-time manager. Adapting new skills and learning how to manage people takes time and patience! Here’s our advice on mistakes to avoid and how to excel in your new role!
Employee Scheduling Tools to save you time and money!

Employee Scheduling Tools to save you time and money!

Employee scheduling or staff scheduling is a challenge that every retailer faces and attempts to tackle using various approaches. Although it may appear complex to schedule the work hours of a team of numerous people, it may be a quick win to enhance productivity and optimize your spending if you discover the correct tools. The Employee Scheduling Tools that Celayix offers can save your organization a lot of time and money!