© 2023 Celayix Software. All rights reserved.

Get in touch with us to see how simple and easy scheduling can be.

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Control caregiver shift assignments based on health status, skills, certifications, and any other criteria.

Recover $350 per caregiver per month in unnecessary costs, whether you schedule for 10 or 10,000 people.

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Automate 95% of your shift-scheduling and time & attendance activities

Scheduling and
Time & Attendance
For Home Healthcare

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Scheduling software for home healthcare organizations


Automate Caregiver Shift Scheduling

Celayix cuts the time required to create a caregiver shift schedule by over 95%. Create a weekly or monthly staff schedule in minutes, cutting out whole days of wasted scheduling effort every month. 

Communicate Instantly with Caregivers

With Celayix, caregivers and nurses get automatic shift reminders, instant notifications of shift assignments, and you get instant shift confirmations. Caregivers enjoy flexible self-scheduling, shift-bidding, shift-swapping, pre-shift health checks, and automated safety checks for when they’re working by themselves.

Easily Manage Scheduling Chaos

Manage Sick Calls, No-Shows, and Last-Minute Schedule Changes. With Celayix’ Find Replacement feature, you can automatically find available and qualified replacements for home health caregiver shifts with the click of a button.

Use Our AI-Based Staff Scheduling Expert

The Celayix Scheduling Rules Engine makes sure all of your caregiver schedules comply with your rules. Celayix AI goes even further, using machine-learning to look at your past caregiver shift schedules and recommends the best new schedule, just like having a home health care scheduling expert in-house.

Ensure 100% Accurate Time & Attendance

Eliminate caregiver padding of timesheets & timecards, ensuring accurate time & attendance data. Celayix gives you 100% accurate GPS and AI verified facial recognition, ensuring the right caregiver is in the right place at the right time. 

Eliminate Caregiver Overtime Costs

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Create your own bespoke overtime rules, we'll do the rest. Using Celayix means you won’t have to worry about expensive overtime scheduling mistakes.


We are a caregiver-centric business. A large part of that has been driven by the Celayix mobile app.

This software product has been a wonderful, cost effective program for my staffing company to capture employee time and attendance, generate billing for these hours worked, and compile several statistical reports needed for my industry. 

It is very user friendly and Celayix worked hard to develop my program to meet all my specific needs. If I have a question, their continued support is always quick, efficient, warm and friendly.

–  Richard Koster, CEO

- Claudia Novak, CEO/Founder of Perioperative Nurses, inc. 

(now Alliant Staffing)


We make scheduling easy.

We have been developing our shift-scheduling and time & attendance software for over 20 years, with the sole purpose of making life easier for healthcare companies just like you.

Simple scheduling. Instant communication. Accurate time-tracking. Tailored-to-fit. Fully integrated that plays well with others. That’s what we do.

We take pride in our mission and deliver the highest quality of products and services, provide a high level of customer service and support, and conduct business with the highest level of integrity and ethical principles.

Guards are always in the right place, at the right time.

End Payroll & Billing Errors

Time & attendance and payroll errors can cost home health care organizations as much as 8% of their payroll value. Celayix’ time & attendance software will send your caregiver shift performance data to your preferred payroll, billing, and financial systems and make those problems disappear.

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Celayix HQ, 595 Howe St
Vancouver, BC

+1 888 591-5558 

Manage Caregivers in one Single Platform

Find out if Celayix is right for you with our 14 day free trial!

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